July 12 Meeting – all about the movies

What was your all-time favorite summer blockbuster movie?

This was the especially engaging theme of the July 12, 2018 meeting hosted by Toastmaster Mark S. We could all remember chillin’ out with a great movie on a long summer day. Chill, by the way, was the Word of the Day.

Table topics were very creative with Toastmasters presenting script ideas, each one building and expanding on the previous idea.

Cynthia P took the Best Table Topics award for her animated delivery of her script idea with scary celery and rubber chicken in outer space! For our prepared speeches,


Meredith C told us about her love/hate relationship with her home town of Tyler, Texas and Lynn S encouraged us to stop using environmentally unfriendly plastic straws.

Winners this week:
Table Topics: Cynthia P
Most Improved: Meredith C
Best Evaluator: John W
Best Speaker: Lynn S
Huggie: Safwan M

Voyagers Toastmasters – June 28 Meeting

Voyagers Toastmasters – June 28 Meeting

We had a very exciting and action packed meeting. No, we didn’t get attacked by dinosaurs or have a volcano vent explode under our meeting location, but we did welcome in our new Board of Officers. Weeeee.

Mark S as VP PR, Mark I as Sergeant of Arms, Safwan as VP Membership, John W as Treasurer, Maria F as VP of Membership.. and drum roll please, Hal as a President.

With this line up of officers, we will be having some dynamic and maybe even controversial meetings!

The June meeting had some wonderful high spots – Maria F got her CTM – Competent Toastmaster – we knew she was good but now its official.