Word of the Day: Celebrate: : To perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites.
2 . To honor (as a holiday) especially by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business or to mark (as an anniversary) by festivities or other deviation from routine.
Club Business: *If you have a Facebook account then you will soon be receiving an invite to join our Facebook Fan Page from Jack Beresford.
* $54 to renew your Toastmasters International and Voyagers Dues. Please make checks payable to “Voyagers Toastmasters” and give to Ryan Spink no later than Oct. 1st.
* Oct 3rd is the area humourous speech & table topics contest. Oct. 30th is the District 5 contest & Oct. 31st is the District 5 Fall Conference. See one of the board members if you would like to apply for a scholarship to go. It is $75 to attend.
Toastmaster: Toastmaster Trisha Landoni is celebrating a birthday tomorrow (Friday, September 11, 2009) so this was the perfect theme for her to host today.
Table Topics: Hal Slater
T1- How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
Christine McDannell: A two-week cruise with friends (however many might still be around?). Actually, might not be fun to live that long so she would rather travel as much as possible while she is young.
T2- You use your birthday numbers for lotto & you win millions, what would you do?
Blake Cavignac : So many people win millions, then waste it so he would be sure to invest it properly.
T3- Your most memorable birthday party (or a friends)?
Tony (Guest): His buddies took him to an adult establishment on his 19th birthday, and needless to say it was quite memorable!
T4- What is your astrological sign & what effect has it had on your life?
Yeves Perez: He is a LEO & also a CEO so he is the one to run the board meetings and he likes it that way!
Speaker #1- Akis Charbonneau “I Want You To Know Me”
This was her Icebreaker and she broke the ice by first explaining exactly how to pronounce her name. She grew up in Mazatlan. When she came to San Diego on vacation she was offered a waitressing job and decided to stay here permanently.
Speaker #2- Kelcey Vehanen “In-pretending”
This was also Kelcey’s Icebreaker. He was not just out to break the ice, but shatter it. He explained how he would pretend like he was a fighter pilot or a Stanley Cup winner when he was younger. He also talked about being an IT consulting and his 15 month old son.
Speaker #3: Marco Calderon “TLC”
TLC= Trick, Lie, Cheat. Marco explained how he uses this tactic to avoid shopping with his wife of 17 years. Quite humorous and I noticed few of the male Toastmasters were taking notes.
And the Winner Is…..
Best Table Topics: Blake Cavignac
Most Improved: Akis Charbonneau
Best Evaluator: Genaro Torres
Best Speaker: Kelcey Vehanen
First Timer: Dave Sabon/Akis Charbonneau/ Kelcey Vehanen