News Update – Jerry Marino – VP of Education

I’d tell you what a wonderful meeting we had on Thursday, Nov 14, ToastmastersLogo-Colorbut I don’t have time because I’m heading out of town for a reunion weekend in Boston. I could tell you what a great job our TM Diana Bergman did with the theme of “The Frost is on the Pumpkin”, or what great speeches Kevin Swanson, Felicia Douglis, and Hal Slater gave…or how good the feedback was from evaluators Jane Flaherty, Suzi O’Brien, and Beth Bateman, or that we had six guests, an Area Governor visit, earned a Golden Gavel for our excellent meeting, and that we had three first timers as functionaries…but I don’t have time.


Dates: Dec. 5 30th Anniversary meeting; Dec. 15, in the evening, Holiday Party and Anniversary Celebration.


Welcome new member James (I don’t know his last name because I don’t have your paperwork). Nice to have you a Voyager. If anyone has James’s email please forward this to him until I get him on the club roster.


See you for “Marketing the Voyagers Experience” next week led by Professor Alan Hoffmanner and attended by his MBA class who will prepare a marketing plan for Voyagers as a class project.