Sheryl Roush to Inspire on October 23

Sheryl Roush, a world-renowned public speaker, who got her start in our very own Voyagers Club, will be speaking at the Voyagers Toastmasters meeting this Thursday October 23, coinciding with the grand finale of the current Speechcraft program. Sheryl has accomplished the highest communication and leadership designations and honors that Toastmasters has to offer.

Come see how a Pro does it!

Since joining Voyagers in 1987, her journey of over 3,000 presentations

  • has taken her to speak in 10 countries,
  • to keynoting 7 nations in the Middle East,
  • to open on stage for Marie Osmond and Marvin Hamlisch,
  • to follow Olivia Newton-John, and Suze Orman,
  • and keynote close for actress Geena Davis….

For more about Sheryl’s background, take a look at her bio: Sheryl Roush-BIO

All are welcome to join us Thursday October 23 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Cafe Coyote in Old Town. There is no meeting room fee for guests.

October 2 2014: Vice President of Education’s Report

The theme for October 2, Week 2 of SpeechCraft set by our Toastmaster Trisha Landoni was “Safari: Part 2 – The Honey Badger” (see the link for more information ).
Picture of honey badger
The theme for SpeechCraft week 1 was “Safari: Part 1 – The Termite” Week 3 of SpeechCraft is coming up and the theme is “Safari: Part 3 – Have Whey There”.  (I may have gotten that wrong.  It could be “Half Way They’re”.)

The awards from October 2 SpeechCraft Week 2:

Best Table Topics – Manshu Agarwal and his 70’s suit
Best Evaluator – Terry Hewins
Most Improved – Jessica Walton
Best Speaker – Lynn Parker

Jane Flaherty delivered a highly informative speech on how to evaluate a speech. Her presentation and handout are available at the Voyagers Toastmasters website as a downloadable supplementary resource.

See you there this Thursday!

District 5 Fall Conference: Opportunity for the Not-So-Early Birds

If you missed the September 30 Early Bird registration for the District 5 Fall Conference at Liberty Station in Point Loma on November 1 from 7:30 am – 3:00 pm, here is a second opportunity.

Voyagers Toastmasters in good standing (up-to-date in paying their dues) who sign up and pay for the District 5 Fall Conference will be reimbursed by the amount of the Early Bird registration: $25.

To simplify the process, register and pay for the District 5 Fall conference using the link Send Jerry Marino your confirmation or receipt and he will reimburse you or credit your Voyagers account (your choice). We are using our scholarship fund to pay for this and want to afford as many Voyagers as possible the opportunity to attend.