At this Thursday’s meeting at Voyagers we all examined our Core Values as Toastmaster Amy G led the meeting with Hal S as General Evaluator.
Terry H stepped in as Topic Master at the last minute when the previously scheduled Topic Master texted that his car had broken down on the I-8. From Mark S we found out about the meaning of Core in addition to bad puns. Jan C described Values and how her vocabulary has expanded to include words she didn’t use before. Natalie M shared how travel abroad can expand your core values. Julia S was then given the assignment of telling what to do when your core values conflict with the core values of another person. Donna G exceeded all her core values and declared that when she can’t find an expert she becomes the expert. Indre F discussed the recent fad of improving your body’s core. And even our Toastmaster didn’t escape Table Topics as Amy G was tasked with expounding on how her core values have changed over time.
We then went on to the core of the meeting with two advanced speeches from the Communicating on Video manual. DTM John W interviewed best selling author Natalie M about her recent book “A Pearl Harbor Survivor’s Expose on Pride, Prejudice, and Prostitutes” and her experiences in publishing on Kindle. Everyone was impressed with the planning, marketing, and business logic that went into publishing this book in the online market. These advances speeches received excellent evaluations by Diana B and Nancy J.
For those of you interested, here is a link showing Vin Diesel who was very prepared for his own interview a few years ago:
- Best Table Topics: Donna G
- Most Improved: Julia S
- Best Evaluator: Nancy J
- Best Speaker: Natalie M
Our next meeting will be led by Jan C with the theme of “Procrastination”. This will also be Nancy J’s final meeting before she migrates back east for the summer so show up to wish her well.