This week gave us a chance to indulge as Joji P led us with the theme of “Guilty Pleasures”. The first thing we discovered about ourselves and our fellow Toastmasters is that we have trouble feeling guilty. In fact, not a single member brought up any pleasure that they felt guilty about. (Maybe they need to try more things until we find something that makes us feel guilty.)
For table topics, Felicia D enthused about binge watching “House of Cards” and “The Fall”; Allie C revealed how she and her roommate would sing and dance to Beyonce’s “Drunk in Love” ( see link
For the prepared speeches, Jan C spoke from the advanced manual “Special Occasion Speeches” as she presented the “Inspirational Book of the Year Award”. Nilo O followed with a serious delivery of the facts and statistics behind suicides. Hal S then served up a helping of “Alphabet Soup” by describing the changes SDG&E are proposing for home owners with solar panels and other devices that contribute to the power grid.