Come join Voyagers on June 8! Our theme will be Perserverance
Thursdays at 7am at Lestats on Adams Avenue in Normal Heights. And on zoom!
Ping us at for more info and the Zoom link
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Come join us – on zoom and at Lestats Coffeehouse on Adams Avenue in San Diego. Thursdays at 7am PT until 8:30am PT.
Contact us at to get more info and the zoom logo-on.
The fear of speaking in public is real – but you can overcome it to be an effective and powerful speaker.
What are the benefits of becoming a better speaker?
• You are perceived as competent, effective, successful.
o The ability to clearly express thoughts often determines how successful and happy people are in their lives.
o You will never reach your full potential unless you can effectively communicate with others (Warren Buffett)
• When you overcome a fear like speaking in public, you grow in self confidence and self-esteem.
o Your self-confidence flows into and enhances every aspect of your life.
• You can learn to be a better speaker.
o It’s a skill like swimming, riding a bike or playing the piano.
o Growing that skill simply requires a commitment to self-improvement through guided by instruction, practice, and feedback.
• Becoming a better speaker literally transforms you and your life outside of Toastmasters.
There are two components to becoming a better speaker –
What you need to know and what you need to do.
What you need to know
• Speaking will not kill you.
o I have never seen anyone die at a Voyagers meeting!
• Others have done it before and will do it after you.
o Some members could not even say their name in front of the group at their first meeting. Yet they became successful speakers.
• It’s safe here.
o Voyagers Toastmasters is a safe, secure, and nurturing environment.
o We like you and we want to see you succeed.
• You can do this!
o Speaking is a teachable, learnable, skill. This is something you can do
• There is help.
o Voyagers is a mutually supportive atmosphere.
o You receive a coach/mentor to help you.
o All Voyagers are committed to your success.
• This is a place to practice, learn, and grow.
• We will help you with honest and caring feedback.
What you need to do
PREPARE – -there is no substitute for preparation.
As Hal Slater says, “Preparation liberates consciousness”.
“A speech well prepared is 90% delivered”, Dale Carnegie.
Preparation allows spontaneity.
Start by talking about something you know – yourself in your Icebreaker speech.
Move on to something you’re passionate about.
Tell us about your life and your experiences, what you’ve done and what you’ve learned.
Focus on your audience, not yourself or your fears.
Think about the value of your speech to your audience.
Desire to serve, inform, motivate, inspire, or entertain –your speech is the medium
Breathe – deeply, from your belly, and regularly.
The importance of the speech for your audience
The value you are going to deliver.
Remember, the audience likes you.
Talking to a friend about something you know. Can you do that?
Discussing your favorite book, your favorite movie, a sports team. Can you do that?
As many gather around, imagine standing up and addressing the group as you continue – Can you do that?
Know cold your introduction and closing by heart.
• You jump start your speech without thinking.
• You can end anytime you need to!
Get a quick laugh or elicit an emotion from your audience.
• Laughter takes the tension out of your body.
• Emotions connect you to the audience.
Find a friendly face and speak to them!
Use notes if you need them but try not to memorize the entire speech.
Prepare, practice, deliver, and receive feedback.