Voyagers Toastmasters – January 18 – Celebrate Snow

Celebrate Snow with Voyagers Toastmasters in Hillcrest San Diego, CA Janaury 18 at 7am
Celebrate Snow with Voyagers Toastmasters in Hillcrest San Diego, CA Janaury 18 at 7am

Brrr, its cold out there.

Come join us for our January 18 Meeting – we will be celebrating Snow. Yes, we are in San Diego and some of us have never experienced that cold white stuff….
The meeting should be lots of fun and entertaining. Maybe even a bit educational. Maybe even inspirational.

What else are you gonna do at 7am, sleep???

Come join us upstairs at Gather CoWork in beautirful downtown Hillcrest. 1223 Cleveland Ave #200, San Diego, CA 92103

The meeting starts at 7am but it is best to be there a little early to meet everyone, to get a snack, and to have a cup of coffee.

To RSVP, or if you need more info, contact us

December 14 – Join us for Santa Stories – in downtown Hillcrest

Our December 14 Meeting will be about Santa Stories. Come join us. You don’t have to wear your Santa suit. You don’t have to come dressed as an elf or a raindeer. But you can…..

The meeting should be lots of fun and entertaining. Maybe even a bit educational. Maybe even inspirational. What else are you gonna do at 7am, sleep???

Come join Voyagers Toastmasters on Dec 14 for Santa Stories. Beautiful downtown Hillcrest
Come join Voyagers Toastmasters on Dec 14 for Santa Stories. Beautiful downtown Hillcrest

Come join us upstairs at Gather CoWork in beautiful downtown Hillcrest. 1223 Cleveland Ave #200, San Diego, CA 92103

The meeting starts at 7am but it is best to be there a little early to meet everyone, to get a snack, and to have a cup of coffee.

To RSVP, or if you need more info, contact us

Hillcrest – Come join us Voyagers Toastmasters

What are you doing this week to improve your life? Have you considered Toastmasters?
Do you want to improve your leadership and communication skills while having fun with a bunch of smart, creative people? Master your presentation and business skills?
Come celebrate the Holidays with Voyagers at our new location!!!!
We are back in Hillcrest –
Gather Cowork, 1223 Cleveland Avenue #200
San Diego, CA 92103
7am PT to 8:30am PT.
It is best to get there 10 minutes early to grab a seat and meet the Voyagers.
Lots of parking.
If you have any questions or need the zoom logon info, feel free to contact us at
Voyagers Toastmasters - Improve your speaking, leadership and communication skills
Voyagers Toastmasters – Improve your speaking, leadership and communication skills
We are now meeting at Gather Cowork
1223 Cleveland Avenue #200
San Diego, CA 92103
Voyagers Toastmasters Club #5315, established in Old Town in 1983, is a dynamic Toastmasters International Club with a long tradition of excellence, professionalism and enthusiasm. Our friendly members range from accomplished highly experienced Toastmasters to shy new Toastmasters. Guests are always welcome to attend and participate free of charge. #Toastmasters #HillcrestToastmasters #PublicSpeaking #communicationskills #sandiegoevents

Voyagers Toastmasters – Now back in Hillcrest, San Diego, CA

Voyagers Toastmasters - Now in Hillcrest, San Diego
Voyagers Toastmasters – Now in Hillcrest, San Diego

Come celebrate Thanksgiving with Voyagers at our new location!!!! We are back in Hillcrest.

Gather Cowork
1223 Cleveland Avenue #200
San Diego, CA 92103

7am PT to 8:30am PT. It is best to get there 10 minutes early to grab a seat and meet the Voyagers. Lots of parking.

What are you doing this week to improve your life? Have you considered Toastmasters?

Do you want to improve your leadership and communication skills while having fun with a bunch of smart, creative people? Master your presentation and business skills?

We meet every Thursday.

Come check out Voyagers Toastmasters

There is plenty of free parking!

Voyagers Toastmaster meetings start promptly at 7:00 a.m. Early arrival (5-15 minutes) is recommended to allow sufficient time to find a seat, get coffee or water, and converse with members and guests before the meeting is called to order.

There is no dress code; members wear casual to business professional attire.

Voyagers Toastnasters is a fun and exciting way to improve your communication and leadership skills. We do a lot more than just public speaking – we provide outstanding training and hands-on experience in leadership, listening skills, how to run a meeting, how to network, digital presentation skills,  and how to pitch your business and expertise.

We tell lots of jokes and laugh a lot.

If you have any questions or need the zoom logon info, feel free to contact us at

We are now meeting at Gather Cowork
1223 Cleveland Avenue #200
San Diego, CA 92103

Voyagers Toastmasters Club #5315, established in Old Town in 1983, is a dynamic Toastmasters International Club with a long tradition of excellence, professionalism and enthusiasm. Our friendly members range from accomplished highly experienced Toastmasters to shy new Toastmasters. Meetings are regularly attended by 18+ members, even if not all have RSVP’d on Meetup.

Guests are always welcome to attend and participate free of charge.

VideoMasters Announces “Intro to Video” Program for Speakers and Leaders

VideoMasters Announces “Intro to Video” Program for Speakers and Leaders
VideoMasters “Intro to Video” Program for Speakers and Leaders

VideoMasters Announces “Intro to Video” Program for Speakers and Leaders

Learn how to make video
This 2 Hour Event is Scheduled for Saturday, Nov 4 at 9am PT
For more information and to sign up, please visit
San Diego based VideoMasters (a Toastmasters International Specialty Club) today announced their upcoming “Intro to Video” online workshop for speakers, communicators and leaders who want to improve their skills in using video to present their ideas, concepts and programs.
There is no cost to attend this short 2-hour program. It is open to everyone. You dont have to be a Toastmaster!
The program will cover the basics of creating and using video. Why is video a critical communication tool? How can you become comfortable with video? WHY are YOU making this video? What is the action step we want the viewers to undertake? What is the point?
How to capture video using smartphone, video camera or web cam. Basics of video capture – good lighting, composition and camera use. We will also cover the basics of audio and sound – how to get good clean audio and the optimal use of microphones. Basic video editing – finding and inputting audio, video and graphics, fade in & out, effects, titles and multiple tracks
Finally, this VideoMasters program will cover how to distribute and share your videos so that people can see them – YouTube video channels, Vimeo, etc.
You can find out more about VideoMasters at or visit us at our YouTube Video Channel –
Check out our “All about VideoMasters” video at
For more information and to sign up, please visit
About VideoMasters
VideoMasters mission is to help you master video to achieve your goals no matter what they are: Tell Stories, Inform, Educate, Promote, Explain, Entertain, Share life moments. The members consists of beginners with only a low cost Android phone on up to those who own their own video production and editing company who are there to help. Videomasters is educational, inspirational, and most important, FUN!

Club #5315 Est. 1983