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How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking  The fear of speaking in public is real – but you can overcome it to be an effective and powerful speaker.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
The fear of speaking in public is real – but you can overcome it to be an effective and powerful speaker.

We completed the first week of Voyagers Speechcraft – if you missed out and want to experience Jerry’s speech, it is online here at YouTube https://youtu.be/2ef82Jw_ZrE

How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

The fear of speaking in public is real – but you can overcome it to be an effective and powerful speaker.

What are the benefits of becoming a better speaker?

• You are perceived as competent, effective, successful.
o The ability to clearly express thoughts often determines how successful and happy people are in their lives.
o You will never reach your full potential unless you can effectively communicate with others (Warren Buffett)
• When you overcome a fear like speaking in public, you grow in self confidence and self-esteem.
o Your self-confidence flows into and enhances every aspect of your life.
• You can learn to be a better speaker.
o It’s a skill like swimming, riding a bike or playing the piano.
o Growing that skill simply requires a commitment to self-improvement through guided by instruction, practice, and feedback.

• Becoming a better speaker literally transforms you and your life outside of Toastmasters.
There are two components to becoming a better speaker –
What you need to know and what you need to do.
What you need to know
• Speaking will not kill you.
o I have never seen anyone die at a Voyagers meeting!
• Others have done it before and will do it after you.
o Some members could not even say their name in front of the group at their first meeting. Yet they became successful speakers.
• It’s safe here.
o Voyagers Toastmasters is a safe, secure, and nurturing environment.
o We like you and we want to see you succeed.
• You can do this!
o Speaking is a teachable, learnable, skill. This is something you can do
• There is help.
o Voyagers is a mutually supportive atmosphere.
o You receive a coach/mentor to help you.
o All Voyagers are committed to your success.
• This is a place to practice, learn, and grow.
• We will help you with honest and caring feedback.
What you need to do
 PREPARE – -there is no substitute for preparation.
 As Hal Slater says, “Preparation liberates consciousness”.
 “A speech well prepared is 90% delivered”, Dale Carnegie.
 Preparation allows spontaneity.
 Start by talking about something you know – yourself in your Icebreaker speech.
 Move on to something you’re passionate about.
 Tell us about your life and your experiences, what you’ve done and what you’ve learned.
 Focus on your audience, not yourself or your fears.
 Think about the value of your speech to your audience.
 Desire to serve, inform, motivate, inspire, or entertain –your speech is the medium
 Breathe – deeply, from your belly, and regularly.
 Visualize
 The importance of the speech for your audience
 The value you are going to deliver.
 Remember, the audience likes you.
 Imagine
 Talking to a friend about something you know. Can you do that?
 Discussing your favorite book, your favorite movie, a sports team. Can you do that?
 As many gather around, imagine standing up and addressing the group as you continue – Can you do that?
 Know cold your introduction and closing by heart.
• You jump start your speech without thinking.
• You can end anytime you need to!
 Get a quick laugh or elicit an emotion from your audience.
• Laughter takes the tension out of your body.
• Emotions connect you to the audience.
 Find a friendly face and speak to them!
 Use notes if you need them but try not to memorize the entire speech.
 Prepare, practice, deliver, and receive feedback.