April 1st. 2010 Meeting Report


April 1st. Weekly report

Theme of the day – April Fools Day
Word of the Day – Jocular – fan of joking or acting in jest or merriment – Russ Johnson – grammarian for the first time
Next week International Speech contest & Evaluation Contest – may go over over
Speech contest – 6 speeches necessary to participate
Evaluation contest – no prerequisites
Dues are due. Sent in our dues on time, reached all of our goals for a presidential distinguished club, so now Michel wants to step down and pass it on to Trisha.

Table topics:  Beth Bateman – TTM
You are madly passionately in love – Christine McDannell – your guy gives you a GPS for your birthday, although you thought it was going to be something much more spectacular. How do you thank him for this ‘thoughtful’ gift?  OUCH!  Christine needs to put this together as a speech.

Woman of your dreams – but from a different culture – Ryan.  How do you persuade her parents to accept you even though you are not from her culture?  Ryan would approach this very ‘gingerly’ – is he in touch with his feminine side or what?  Would borrow his brother’s beamer, make up a fake job and well…probably exaggerate the truth.  Go boy!

Rod Hamby – Playing the fool or sharing life’s experience.  Bad is good – according to Rod.  You can’t learn unless you fail.  Forbes magazine says most successful people have been bankrupt three times before they get it right.  He wants to end up broke in India in a few years and live his life free. Do they sell free tickets to that show?

Deeanne Snyder – what is this Antiques Road Show pin you got from your great Aunt Marie and what is the story behind it?  She had received it from a very handsome flyboy and it is Platinum Diamonds so she knew it must be worth a fortune.  So, after waiting in line forever they informed her it was an April Fool’s joke – not Platinum Diamonds.

TM Hal Slater has a suggestion for Trisha Landoni – Schedule a speaker to give an informative speech about how to give a speech introduction.

Speaker #1
Edgar Portilla
– Speech #2 – Natural Gas (from the CC manual).  Edgar was dressed to the nines and delivered a speech about natural gas which equates to farfenugens.  He had us rolling with his serious information delivered as a power point presentation but with an underlying humor to his presentation. We learned it is normal to release gas 14 – 28 times a day.  If only his wife would have known this he might still be married.  Beano – also known as Bee-an-O.  Sounded Italian.

Speaker #2
Mark Imhoff
– Speech #2 – If a tree falls in the woods…  (from the CC manual)
Mark entertained us with sound facts, sound effects, and great visual demonstrations of the different types of sounds while pouring water on the table without it spilling off.  Then he proceeded to throw ping pong balls for the second example and some kind of beans for his third demo.  He took a technical subject and made it understandable for us lay folks. It was quite entertaining and informational.

Speaker #3
Tony Dixon
–   Speech #   Understanding Plato – (Information he learned from Iraq) May 3, 2005.  During this difficult time in Iraq Three lessons Tony learned:
1.  Take not for granted that we as Americans are blessed with freedom & opportunities.
2.  Know what you value, what you are going to fight and die for, give it your all and live by this everyday.
3.  Know the person you want to be in life & never accept any excuses why you weren’t that person.
Life is a war of constant force, life is struggle, it is only after we die that we leave this war that we call life.  I hope I have inspired you to rethink the way that you live at the very least now you understand the way that I live.

If Mark Limbach bungie jumps naked –  is it free when he goes to Australia?  Too much of a visual for DeeAnne.

First Timers: Russ Johnson – grammarian
Best Table Topics: DeeAnne Snyder
Most Improved: Edgar Portilla
Best Evaluator: Rod Hamby
Best Speaker: Tony Dixon

Final Comments:
Ryan’s guest – Jessica wants to join us!
The contest might go a little bit long so be prepared for an extra 5 – 10 minutes.
Need some helpers – Amy Gilstrap volunteers to help Donna with the timing.
Jerry volunteers to help with ballot counting.
SEE YOU AT THE CONTEST!  That’s all folks….


Thanking all the participants

Good Morning Voyagers!

I’d like to start off the week congratulating our International Speech and Evaluation Contest Winners! What an exciting contest we had!

Congratulations to Michel Scharrf for winning first place in the Speech Contest . Michel did a fantastic job with his story “Emmas Story”. A wonderful inspiring original story of following your dreams!  

In second place, was Justin Salbato, and third place, Beth Bateman!
And special thanks to Rob Latimer, Christine McDannell for also competing, you did a fantastic job.

The Evaluation contest was won by Rob Latimer, who gave his very thorough and excellent evaluation on Evanthia Basilico’s speech, our guest speaker from Adventurers Club.  
Second place was won by Matt Slater, and third place was Jeffrey Greco.  And special thanks to Mark Imhoff and Tony Dixon, who also competed.

Did you miss the contest?  Not to worry, you can see Michel and Rob both compete at the AREA CONTEST on Saturday, April 24th at Solar Turbines!  Please mark your calendars and come out to support our Voyagers members as they compete against the other clubs in Area 12.  The Area 14 contest will also be held at the same contest – so you get two contests in one!

Putting together a contest is great deal of work, and takes a team effort to make it a success.  I’d like to take this opportunity again to thank the volunteers who helped make our contest the best it has ever been!

Terry Hewins,  Toastmaster
Chief Judge,  Karen Woolsey
Timers, Donna Gillen & Amy Gilstrap
Ballot Counters, Jerry Campana, Happy Aston & Amber Toland Perry
Sgt of Arms/Pledge – Lindsay Langford

And of course All of our Contestants, and our Guest Speaker, Evanthia!

Best Regards to everyone, and I hope to see you all at our next meeting,

Trisha Landoni

Oct. 24 Meeting Report

Highlights from Last Week

Genaro Torres as Toastmaster really got the group motivated. Christine McDannell taught the group about the business ideas of Sam Walton. Voyagers had its very own cooking show. With “Cooking With Trisha Landoni” everyone learned how to cook a good breakfast on the cheap. Everyone was moved when Robb Latimer did a “Tribute To My Mother”. Have YOU experience unconditional love? Great Job Everyone.

Best Table Topics: Jan Campana

Most Improved: Trisha Landoni

Best Evaluation: Jamie Ortiz

Best Speaker: Rob latimer

Oct. 1 Meeting Report

Toastmaster: Toastmaster Cass Lobsinger has been camping a million times and gave us a couple interesting statistics about camping. Did you know that 37 is the average age of adults who go camping? Second, campers have an average income of $43K a year.

Table Topics: Rod Hamby

T1- Have you ever found yourself needing to use a compass?

Genaro Torres: Went with a friend up a large mountain in Mexico only to find themselves lost. After being chased by different animals they decided to use a compass to get back home.

T2- Have you had to improvise ever by using something like a Swiss-Army knife?

DeAnne Snyder : Yes, every time Comi-Con is in town at the Convention Center. She also let us know that the Swiss-Army knife was invented by a women.

T3- A few items were found in a back-pack by the police in your trunk, including a large body bag, knife, a shovel, and rope. How do you explain yourself?

Alan Hoffmanner: He admits that he had borrowed Rod Hamby’s 1968 VW Bug, it had no plates, so he got pulled over. They found Rod’s back-pack in the trunk.

T4- Somewhere you have been camping or would love to go camping to?

Melissa (Guest): Loves camping, wether in a tent, car, or RV. They were once lost in the middle of nowhere for an entire day but had enough beer to get through the day, so everything was ok.
Speaker #1- Dave Sabon: “Closing More Sales by Going for No”

People buy on an emotional level, but justify it intellectually. Don’t ask: “Is this a good time to talk?” but instead, “Did I catch you at a bad time?” This is called a pattern interrupt and it actually shows them that your different than the last sales person who called.

Speaker #2- Happy Aston “First They Killed My Father”

Happy recited a chapter from this book she purchased in Cambodia, which is a National Best Seller. The chapter was “Pa” and she did a very amazing job portraying the character. Very touching and there was not a dry eye in the room.

Speaker #3: Jaime Ortiz “Don’t Wait for Tomorrow, Make it Happen Today.”

Jaime told us a few stories of people who have faced adversity. One was Carlos, a Navy Seal, who in 1989 lost use of both of his legs in battle. He later was the 3-time champion of the Hawaiian Iron Man. Jaime had fellow Toastmasters write down one thing they have always wanted to accomplish on a piece of paper. Anything is possible.

And the Winner Is…..

Best Table Topics: Alan Hoffmanner

Most Improved:  Dave Sabon

Best Evaluator:  Amy Gilstrap

Best Speaker:  Happy Aston

First Timer:  Akis Charbonneau


Club #5315 Est. 1983