Category Archives: Meeting

So what happened at Voyagers – August 8?

Mark Epstein delivered the contest challenge today and in the process gave us ten good reasons why you should enter the Voyagers Humorous or Evaluation Contest on September 5 in the club. He was so convincing we already had a few signups for both contests. The schedule for that day is still forming but get back to me with your interest in competing. It’s a great growing and learning experience.

Mark Imhoff showed us he’s the hardest working man at Voyagers filling three roles today and stepping up to be our contest chair and toastmaster. He was our greeter, jester, and grammarian. Thanks for stepping in and stepping up.

MarkEpsteinAnd we had two great advanced manual speeches from Jane Flaherty and Jan Campana respectively. Well done Jane and Jan

August 1 Voyagers Toastmasters Meeting

It was another inspiring meeting with speeches from Ly Bernal, Jaci Feinstein, and Mike Ruthenberg. Congratulations to all and especially to Mike for completing his CC. The badge is in the mail Mike! And this is the launching pad for additional growth from advanced manual speeches!

We will have our humorous speech contest and evaluation contest in the club on September 5. Polish up that funny speech and step up to the plate to deliver a homerun…or at least a single. Or step up and evaluate our contest speaker. Let me know if you would like to participate. Be advised that we need at least 5 participants in each event so if we don’t have enough participants in the near future you may be “volunteered” for the position. Isn’t it better to be prepared than to be “volunteered”?

Coming up next meeting Mark Epstein will treat us to “Contest Challenge” as he leads his team through another exciting Voyagers meeting. It’s a good time to invite a guest…feel free to give out those Voyagers business cards and invite a friend, acquaintance, or business associate.

Mike Ruthenberg completed his 10th Speech in the CC Manual. Congratulations
Mike Ruthenberg completed his 10th Speech in the CC Manual. Congratulations

July 25th Meeting – Summer in San Diego

Beth Bateman was the Toastmaster and she took us on a fun voyage through 27 of her top activities to do in San Diego in the Summer. We had a rollicking Table Topics session in which our guest Emilia took home the ribbon for her contribution about lying on the hot sand on the beach.

We had three wonderful speakers – Leslie Leonardo doing her ice breaker speech (CONGRATULATIONS!!!!), Angelique Hood telling us about her trip to New York, and Justin Salbato reading and acting out a funny folk tale. Leslie took home the ribbon for best speaker!

Terry Hewins was General Evaluator and as usual, he had to do it with a twist. We had five evaluators reviewing three speeches. Mark Shapiro’s evaluation of Ms. Hood’s speech got the nod for best evaluation of the day.

Join us next week as Toastmaster Justin Salbato leads us on a Blast from the Past.

Beth Bateman, Toastmaster
Beth Bateman, Toastmaster

Amy Gilstrap gets Roasted and Toasted

We roasted ex president Amy Gilstrap today. She was cooked. Teresa Kuffel led the abuse with Donna Gillen, Diana Bergman, Jan Campana, Terry Hewins, Mark Imhoff and M

Amy Gilstrap gets roasted and toasted - July 18, 2013
Amy Gilstrap gets roasted and toasted – July 18, 2013

ark Shapiro providing the abuse. Amy was short but now she is brief. Topics master Kimberly Lundberg got a few extra digs in from the studio audience.